Schaum Note Speller Bk 1
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Title | |
Lines and Spaces | |
Number Names of Lines and Spaces | |
Note Writing from Number Names | |
Treble Clef Lines | |
Treble Clef Spaces | |
Treble Note Writing | |
Treble Clef Spelling | |
Bass Clef Lines | |
Bass Clef Spaces | |
Bass Note Writing | |
Bass Clef Spelling | |
How to Read Sharps, Flats and Naturals | |
Sharps, Flats and Naturals in the Bass Clef | |
How to Keep the Slogans Straight | |
Using Both Clefs | |
Further Drill on Both Clefs | |
Sharps, Flats and Naturals in Both Clefs | |
How Stems Are Placed on Notes | |
Learning the Time Value Names | |
Identifying the Time Value Names | |
How Rests Are Named | |
Correlating Note and Rest Names | |
Putting in Measure Bar Lines | |
Inner Leger Line (Below Treble and Above Bass) | |
Inner Leger Line Spelling | |
Outer Leger Lines (Above Treble and Below Bass) | |
Outer Leger Line Spelling | |
Half-Steps and Whole Steps (White Keys) | |
Half-Steps and Whole Steps (With Accidentals) | |
Enharmonic Note Writing |