Johann Strauss Piano - 28 Waltzes, Polkas, & Quadrilles
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(World's Greatest Classical Music). The "Waltz King" was one of Vienna's great musical masters of the 19th century. This outstanding collection in our acclaimed World's Great Classical Music Series presents intermediate to advanced solo piano transcriptions of his most famous music: 28 waltzes, polkas and quadrilles. Contents: The Acceleration Waltz, Op. 234 * Artist's Life, Op. 316 * The Beautiful Blue Danube, Op. 314 * Cagliostro Waltzes, Op. 370 * Carnival in Rome Polka, Op. 358 * Danube Mermaid, Op. 427 * Emperor Waltz, Op. 437 * Enjoy Life, Op. 340 * Die Fledermaus Overture * Die Fledermaus Polka, Op. 362 * Fledermaus-Quadrille, Op. 363 * Kiss Waltz, Op. 400 * Morning Journals, Op. 279 * New Vienna, Op. 342 * O Beautiful May!, Op. 375 * One Heart, One Mind, Op. 323 * Pizzicato-Polka * Praise of Women, Op. 315 * Roses from the South, Op. 388 * Sweetheart Waltz, Op. 418 * Tales from the Vienna Woods, Op. 325 * A Thousand and One Nights, Op. 346 * Vienna Life, Op. 354 * Voices of Spring Waltz, Op. 410 * Where the Citrons Bloom, Op. 364 * Wine, Women and Song, Op. 33 * You and You, Op. 367 * The You're Welcome Poka, Op. 372